
sockjs-tornado captures some counters:

Name Description
sessions_active Number of currently active sessions
transp_xhr # of sessions opened with xhr transport
transp_websocket # of sessions opened with websocket transport
transp_xhr_streaming # of sessions opened with xhr streaming transport
transp_jsonp # of sessions opened with jsonp transport
transp_eventsource # of sessions opened with eventsource transport
transp_htmlfile # of sessions opened with htmlfile transport
transp_rawwebsocket # of sessions opened with raw websocket transport
connections_active Number of currently active connections
connections_ps Number of opened connections per second
packets_sent_ps Packets sent per second
packets_recv_ps Packets received per second

Stats are captured by the router object and can be accessed through the stats property:

MyRouter = SockJSRouter(MyConnection)

print MyRouter.stats.dump()

For more information, check stats module API or stats sample.