Source code for sockjs.tornado.router

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    SockJS protocol router implementation.

from tornado import ioloop, version_info

from sockjs.tornado import transports, session, sessioncontainer, static, stats, proto

    # Sessions check interval in seconds
    'session_check_interval': 1,
    # Session expiration in seconds
    'disconnect_delay': 5,
    # Heartbeat time in seconds. Do not change this value unless
    # you absolutely sure that new value will work.
    'heartbeat_delay': 25,
    # Enabled protocols
    'disabled_transports': [],
    # SockJS location
    'sockjs_url': '',
    # Max response body size
    'response_limit': 128 * 1024,
    # Enable or disable JSESSIONID cookie handling
    'jsessionid': True,
    # Should sockjs-tornado flush messages immediately or queue then and
    # flush on next ioloop tick
    'immediate_flush': True,
    # Enable or disable Nagle for persistent transports
    'disable_nagle': True,
    # Enable IP checks for polling transports. If enabled, all subsequent
    # polling calls should be from the same IP address.
    'verify_ip': True,
    # list of allowed origins for websocket connections
    # or "*" - accept all websocket connections
    'websocket_allow_origin': "*"

    ('xhr_send', transports.XhrSendHandler),
    ('jsonp_send', transports.JSONPSendHandler)

    'websocket': transports.WebSocketTransport,
    'xhr': transports.XhrPollingTransport,
    'xhr_streaming': transports.XhrStreamingTransport,
    'jsonp': transports.JSONPTransport,
    'eventsource': transports.EventSourceTransport,
    'htmlfile': transports.HtmlFileTransport

    '/chunking_test': static.ChunkingTestHandler,
    '/info': static.InfoHandler,
    '/iframe[0-9-.a-z_]*.html': static.IFrameHandler,
    '/websocket': transports.RawWebSocketTransport,
    '/?': static.GreetingsHandler

[docs]class SockJSRouter(object): """SockJS protocol router"""
[docs] def __init__(self, connection, prefix='', user_settings=dict(), io_loop=None): """Constructor. `connection` SockJSConnection class `prefix` Connection prefix `user_settings` Settings dictionary `io_loop` Optional IOLoop instance """ # TODO: Version check if version_info[0] < 2: raise Exception('sockjs-tornado requires Tornado 2.0 or higher.') # Store connection class self._connection = connection # Initialize io_loop self.io_loop = io_loop or ioloop.IOLoop.instance() # Settings self.settings = DEFAULT_SETTINGS.copy() if user_settings: self.settings.update(user_settings) self.websockets_enabled = 'websocket' not in self.settings['disabled_transports'] self.cookie_needed = self.settings['jsessionid'] # Sessions self._sessions = sessioncontainer.SessionContainer() check_interval = self.settings['session_check_interval'] * 1000 self._sessions_cleanup = ioloop.PeriodicCallback(self._sessions.expire, check_interval, self.io_loop) self._sessions_cleanup.start() # Stats self.stats = stats.StatsCollector(self.io_loop) # Initialize URLs base = prefix + r'/[^/.]+/(?P<session_id>[^/.]+)' # Generate global handler URLs self._transport_urls = [('%s/%s$' % (base, p[0]), p[1], dict(server=self)) for p in GLOBAL_HANDLERS] for k, v in TRANSPORTS.items(): if k in self.settings['disabled_transports']: continue # Only version 1 is supported self._transport_urls.append( (r'%s/%s$' % (base, k), v, dict(server=self)) ) # Generate static URLs self._transport_urls.extend([('%s%s' % (prefix, k), v, dict(server=self)) for k, v in STATIC_HANDLERS.items()])
[docs] def urls(self): """List of the URLs to be added to the Tornado application""" return self._transport_urls
[docs] def apply_routes(self, routes): """Feed list of the URLs to the routes list. Returns list""" routes.extend(self._transport_urls) return routes
def create_session(self, session_id, register=True): """Creates new session object and returns it. `request` Request that created the session. Will be used to get query string parameters and cookies `register` Should be session registered in a storage. Websockets don't need it. """ # TODO: Possible optimization here for settings.get s = session.Session(self._connection, self, session_id, self.settings.get('disconnect_delay') ) if register: self._sessions.add(s) return s
[docs] def get_session(self, session_id): """Get session by session id `session_id` Session id """ return self._sessions.get(session_id)
[docs] def get_connection_class(self): """Return associated connection class""" return self._connection # Broadcast helper
def broadcast(self, clients, msg): """Optimized `broadcast` implementation. Depending on type of the session, will json-encode message once and will call either `send_message` or `send_jsonifed`. `clients` Clients iterable `msg` Message to send """ json_msg = None count = 0 for c in clients: sess = c.session if not sess.is_closed: if sess.send_expects_json: if json_msg is None: json_msg = proto.json_encode(msg) sess.send_jsonified(json_msg, False) else: sess.send_message(msg, stats=False) count += 1 self.stats.on_pack_sent(count)